The following are 15 words, of which I did not understand during my reading sessions:
1. Hemorrhages
“…My parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them.” (1)
Definition: noun, the discharge of blood caused by a broken blood vessel.
Sentence: After getting stabbed, the victim began to hemorrhage, and the uncontrollable loss of blood led to him falling unconscious.
2. Ostracized
“The whole team ostracized me the whole way back on the train.” (3)
Definition: verb, to be outcasted from, society, conversation, privileges, friendship, etc.
Sentence: On the first day of school, the athletic clique ostracized the nerdy looking boy, leaving him to be isolated and lonely.
Sentence: On the first day of school, the athletic clique ostracized the nerdy looking boy, leaving him to be isolated and lonely.
3. Chiffonier
“Your, ah, exam paper is over there on top of my chiffonier. On top o the pile. Bring it here, please.” (11)
Definition: noun, a tall open piece of furniture used to store book, often having a mirror on top.
Sentence: Mr. Kavanagh saw his reflection in the mirror as he grabbed the novel from his tall chiffonier.
4. Falsetto
“He started laughing in this very high falsetto voice.” (23)
Definition: noun, an unnatural or synthetically high-pitched voice produced by a man.
Sentence: For the sake of acting, the mature man read his dialogue in a falsetto tone in order to imitate Juliet from Romeo and Juliet.
5. Psychoanalyzed
“”I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalyzed and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage.” (38) (39)
Definition: verb, to analyze or treat someone with psychological guidance.\
Sentence: After signs of chronic depression and insomnia were present, the parents hired a psychologist to have their child psychoanalyzed.
6. Halitosis
“That guy had just about everything. Sinus troubles, pimples, lousy teeth, halitosis, crumby fingernails. You had to feel a little sorry for the crazy sonuvabitch.”(39)
Definition: noun, the condition of having offensive smelling breath.
Sentence: The lady suffered social skills due to halitosis from not brushing her teeth and sustaining cavities.
7. Incognito
“Well, the thing is, I don’t want to stay at any hotels on the East Side where I might run into some acquaintances of mine. I’m traveling incognito…” (60)
Definition: adjective, to have someone’s identity disguised as to avoid notice or attention.
Sentence: In Gotham City, Bruce Wayan enters his incognito alter-ego “Batman” to save his civilians and to be unnoticed by his associates.
8. Jitterbugging
“She started jitterbugging with me---but just very nice and easy, not corny. She was really good.” (73)
Definition: verb, to dance the acrobatic dance where usage of steps, twirls, splits, and somersaults are plausible.
Sentence: When the Elvis Presley song was playing, I asked my girlfriend to do the Jitterbug with me to alleviate my high energy.
9. Clavichord
“On my wuddayacallit---my clavichord.” (96)
Definition: noun, an early keyboard instrument where metal blades produce a soft sound.
Sentence: The child made soothing music with the Clavichord that was given to him by his Great Grandfather.
10. Bourgeois
“He kept saying they were too new and bourgeois.” (108)
Definition: adjective, being apart of or property typically found in the middle class.
Sentence: My bourgeois alligator-skinned briefcase made my fashionista classmates jealous.
11. Mutinying
“They were always showing Columbus discovering America, having one helluva time getting old Ferdinand and Isabella to lend him the dough to buy ships with, and then the sailors mutinying on him and all.” (120)
Definition: verb, to commit the offence of revolt or rebellion against any authority.
Sentence: The criminal was mutinying from the Police Officer when they attempted to make an arrest, which made them angry.
12. Sacrilegious
“Sally said I was a sacrilegious atheist. I probably am.” (137)
Definition: adjective, guilty of violating or being profane against anything sacred.
Sentence: The sacrilegious child ripped out pages from the Holy Bible.
13. Digression
“And if the boy digresses at all, you’re supposed to yell ‘Digression!’ at him as fast as you can.” (183)
Definition: noun, the act of swerving off topic in writing or speaking.
Sentence: During the speech presentations, I faced digression from the topic, which confused my fellow classmates.
14. Pedagogical
“Holden… One short, faintly stuffy, pedagogical question. Don’t you think there’s a time and place for everything?” (184)
Definition: adjective, of or pertaining to the function or work of a teacher.
Sentence: Inspired by his teacher, the university student was building his road towards a pedagogical degree.
15. Stenographer
“Or you may end up in some business office, throwing paper clips at the nearest stenographer.” (186)
Definition: noun, a person who specializes in writing with shorthand methods.
Sentence: My stenographer teacher knows the proper shortcuts and abbreviations in her writing which makes learning simpler.
Sentence: My stenographer teacher knows the proper shortcuts and abbreviations in her writing which makes learning simpler.